The lifecycle of planning, developing, funding and delivering the enabling infrastructure, amenity and services for our places, precincts and cities needs to consider a nested set of factors; housing, employment, land use, transport, development, benefits (economic, social, environmental), costs, financing and funding, staging and delivery models.
The interconnectedness of these factors requires frameworks, methods and analysis that are fit-for-purpose to provide decision makers clear choices that are evidence based and where the options have been fully canvassed and evaluated on their merits.

Data | Analytics | GIS | Economic Analysis |
Agile Decision Systems
The VITAL System

Value Advisory Partners has created a system to help governments, agencies, universities, developers and organisations to integrate infrastructure, transport, land use and delivery models.​
Supporting agile decision-making, this system draws on a broad set of tools, methods, frameworks and processes that can be applied at scale or focus on specific areas of assessment or implementation.
This coordinated approach allows users to invest in the most cost-effective mix of economic, social and environmental infrastructure to maximise benefit in our communities.
Components of the VITAL System
The VITAL System for Integrating Transport and Land Development tools, methods, frameworks and processes can be used as modules or as part of an integrated system.
The system’s components guide you through assessment, implementation, and investment decisions related to transport, land use, and development.
At its core are data, GIS, economics, and agile decision systems developed in-house by Value Advisory Partners which we are currently enhancing with AI and predictive analytics.
The system can be customised based on the depth of analysis needed, the level and power of evidence available, and the desired parameters required for business decisions.

Benefits of the VITAL System
Rapid value assessments of multiple options that can be easily shared across government departments and delivery agencies.
Interactive stakeholder and beneficiary engagement tools that can be introduced early in the process for greater consultation outcomes and shared benefits.
Knowledge is more easily validated from transparent assumptions, reducing risk and uncertainty for decision makers.
Outcomes can be continuously evaluated and updated to optimise return on investment,
efficiencies and cost savings.

Deakin University Burwood SRL Station Assessment
Place Context: Burwood, Melbourne, Victoria
Project Type: Precinct Development, Transport Infrastructure, Amenity
Project Lifecycle: Options Analysis and Cost/Benefit assessment
Scope: Transport Assessment, Land use, Jobs/GVA, GFA/development uplift, Dwellings, Value creation
This case study provides one example of how the VITAL system can be used, step by step in three phases.
First, it evaluated the benefits, opportunities, and net value of different station location options. Then, it compared the impacts of non-integrated and integrated precinct approaches around the proposed station under different scenarios.
Finally, further value creation and precinct development outcomes were assessed to align with published visions and policies.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Phase 3
Detailed value
assessment for
planned transport
amenity and
precinct transport
and amenities
Updated impact on dwellings, jobs, development, economic value-added loss or gain because of full transport integration and/or implementation of “20-minute neighbourhood” principles
A ‘Precinct Impact Analysis and Decision System’ interface with revised sub-precincts and revised outputs allowing for different analysis periods, densities/height, growth rates and delivery year for the SRL Station
Phase 2
Strategic Assessment
Strategic value
assessment of the
proposed transport
infrastructure and
amenity and precinct
transport integration
Impact on dwellings, jobs, development, economic value-added loss or gain because of no action at precincts, an integrated precinct at Deakin and at Burwood, or a non-integrated approach
Preparing a clear narrative which can be utilised in discussions with stakeholders through clear summary pages
Phase 1
Initial Precinct Assessment
Preliminary Benefits
assessment for
potential transport
infrastructure and
Provides an order of magnitude estimate of the potential value created/diminished for each station location
Comparison tables summarising benefits by location including net value created, employment and new development GFA

Our project experience in Infrastructure, Amenity & Land Use
Value Advisory Partners has delivered Infrastructure Amenity & Land Use assessments within many projects through Australia and New Zealand